Monday, July 29, 2013

Hot Topic

So hot topic is the only place where they sale shadowhunter clothing

But i cant find dem shoes!!!!!!

Maybe i will get them else where .-.

I cant where the dresses, too short

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hey guys

Sorry for late post today

I was roleplaying really hard in ovipets

I had a character named Alice and a character named Josh

ONe have power over water, the other ice

Haha prom XD

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lotor & Kraken

I got a breeding pair of pure blue lotors yesterday

And toay was AWESOME on Wizard101

I got to battle the Kraken twice,

And one time when 4 players were battling him

I was standing in the Kraken!

In other circumstances, i would have joined the fight, but there were already 4 players

So i need to do that again and take some pics!


Friday, July 26, 2013

Pure Auction

Hello there person X3

I won my second auction in ovi today

250 pure fr 59 other pures

Isnt that a little weird?

Ah well i got nothin to do XD

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Ignore that post's date

But yeah, i forgot to publish it :l

And someboday bought my pure pass

And what else....


They are sou cute!

Rare 7/22

Todays rare is the Rare Baseball Cleat

And btw 4 more months until my 12th b-day and i cant wait till i can play WoW on that dayXD

Bassoon music is soo hard >.<

Pic at the bottom

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


oh mah gawd!

I cant believe they finally made wing mutations for catus

it is absolutely gorg!

 and I think I forgot to post the pic of my signature for Monday ._.

I will fix it

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sky High. Again X3

so since i am on my computer today, i have been playing sky high a lot

and also playing QQ

imma go on both+Ovipets in a sec XP

see ya later

or never

no difference (cough cough Michelle)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tunnel Town

Im mad now

I was jsut typing FYNE and then internet broke and my post just *poof*

So i have been playing Tunnel Town on somebody else's iPad for 2 days

If you must, all of my devices are Android, with the exception of my nook

Soo yeah my mom said she might buy me an iPad mini next month :D

Here will be a list of devices i own and their uses(including what i will do with the iPad)

Samsung Galaxy S phone-instagram, editing pictures, kik
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1-Ovipets&blogger(i like those 2 programs better on the tab)
Nook-ebooks, when I buy them & temple run brave
Windows Desktop(7, i think)-gimp(making better ovipets tattoos), IMVU, Wizard 101, Animal Jam, and probably WoW when i start playing
My mom's laptop-QQ, other chinesse stuff X3
IPad mini-stuff IOS devices use Androids cant, emoji

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pure Tips

Hi guys

Here are some tips on breeding pairs

If you have 2 females and 1 male of a kind,
Breed female1 with the male, and if the offspring is male,
Breed the offspring with female 2
Now you have 2 breeding pairs :)

And then do that with the other female,
Repeat until you have a lot of pures

Btw i will post the prues I can breed tomorrow

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Moss grafiti

I was on iFunny like a second ago

And i saw this picture for Moss Grafiti

So yeah I like need to do that

Except i am not really a grafiti person,

But whooo cares

Here are the steps(in words)

1. Add 3 handful moss&3c water to a blender
2. Add 2tbsp water retaining gel
3. Add 1/2 c buttermilk
4. Pulse blender for 2-5 min or until gel forms
5.transfer to a bucket
6. Paint on wood or rough concret
7. Mist once every week

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Animal Jam

these days I like to use animal jam a lot

I am getting so many gems from the adventures!

but  cant wait until the next adventure is open

since I already did return of the phantoms like 3 times already

But I do love the gifts you get at the end of an adventure!!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rare yesterday

I am not even happy right now

I totally forgot about the rares yesterday

but here it is......>.<
credits is snowyclaw

and I uploaded my first deviantART!

it is my first chibi

my deviantart is himtiffant

so please watch me!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pures +more

First things first:

I now have a Pure sales tab!

All pures are 1c and double pures are 2c
Unpaid pet trades are also allowed

Now the important tmi fandom stuff

Midnight Heir is out today!

It is part of The Bane Chronicles (i forgot which book it is)

Its basically a series about the life of Magnus Bane

And James Carstairs(first son of Will Herondale and Tessa Gray) is in Midnight Heir!

God i cant wait to take a long day shopping and buying those books XD


Shadowhunter Tarot Cards

Cassandra Jean is finished with drawing the whole deck of the shadowhunters tarot card

Both Cassies(hehe) better find a way to make it and sell it X3

Not a threat, just that I really, REALLY, REALLY  want it! >.<

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Latin Stuff

So I finished reading the whole TID series again today

And now i cant stop looking up latin poems

I have a bunch of them on the memos in my phone right now

I think i might have to memorize them

>.< i have done a lot of seemingly impossible stuff

Such as remember 102 digits of pi(not boasting)

But I am not exactly good with words

I cant just not memorize them though

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Do. Not. Insult. Tmi

*******warning: beware of anger issues*******

Today i found a really useful app called goodreads

I made an account to help keeo track of my reading and find some reccomendations, because I stumbled upon the TMI series by accident

I rated the TMI series and added them to my shelves

But the next things I saw were hideous review about the books and Cassandra Clare!

They should state their opinions, but it have gone too far

They said Alec was emo, that Magnus was a creep that doesnt know anything, and that Jace was Draco in leather pants

Not that I have anything against Draco, but that is NOT true!

They also said Cassie's books were dumb, predictable, and hated all of her characters

But I did feel better after talking to @official_jacewayland and @the_alec_lightwood

(Michelle dont follow them, you are not fangirl enough!)


And btw Alec is NOT emo!

Just saying

Friday, July 12, 2013

World of Warcraft

Yesterday I was researching World of Warcraft (WoW)

And i really want to play it

I would be a warlock (definitely)

But since you have to pay $15 every month

I am probably going to start on my 12th birthday

I will also psot WoW info when i get it XD

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I have a new idea for a story

But i will not leak too much info about it

But here are the first 2 sentences

"I was 15 when I Turned for the first time. I passed out from the unbearable pain, thinking I would die."

I will change the orders of a lot of that stuff

Plz zip your lips XD :$

Monday, July 8, 2013

Rare today

Todays rare is the rare kelp skirt

Pic at the bottom

Since i got new glasses and still have to adjust

My posts wont be as long

My eyes hurt

A lot

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Grant A Wish

******WISH GRANTED******
Remember that great feeling when somebody granted you wish on Ovi?

Well there is a great group jsut for that!

Click here to enter

One day, a foolish admin deleted all of their members

I encourage all to re-join, or become a new member!

The staff is very nice to all, and they help everyone get their wishes granted!

PS: totally not related, but thanks to Magnus, i found out that PS stands for postscript :D

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Violin or Piano

hi guys

i want to learn either the piano(Jace) or the violin(Jem)

my mom say that they are equally hard to learn

but it doesnt matter, cuz I am a FAST learner

so which one should I learn first

im thinking the piano is easier

but I want to learn the violin because of Jem


Friday, July 5, 2013

The Infernal Devices

Hi guys

This post is dedicated to the great Cassandra Clare, if she ever reads this in the future

The Infernal Devices have made a great impact in my life, so have The Mortal Instruments

Over the past 3 days when I was reading The Infernal Devices

I have seen characters grow and die:
I have known Tessa from when she was a frightened girl to someone that knows right from wrong and is brave
I have known Will as a boy who always made smart comments that followed him until the end
I have known, and liked Jem from a dying boy that had the same heratige as me, to a former Silent Brother that have learned many things about life

And I have loved, and hated, the ending of this book
I loved that the characters have grown into their own world, but at the same time, I am very sad that the series ended

TID is euqal to the Harry Potter series in my life
That is a big thing, and I cant wait to read City of Heavenly Fire and Lady Midnight

Its just this one thing I never got:
Who is Julian Blackthorn and how does he fit in the series?

I need to watch the movie, soon!

I am starting to look at things a different way now

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Hi guys

I thought that I forgot to psot yesterday

Lol the egg bombing is about to begin for my groups!

I am going to sent an egg to everyone in the groups i admin in

PS: TID is really good!

QOTD: Will or Jem?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 4th breeding!

hi guys

in preparation for the 4th of July

I am trying to breed all of the red, blue, and white pure eggs I can

after the breeding tomorrow, I will also breed regular pure eggs

I will try to give 2-3 eggs to every member of the All free group

and also The Breeding Station Group

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rare Yesterday

Today I found out that I forgot to psot the rare yesterday

ANd i also found out that the rare was nonmember

Now i also found out that my computer is sorta working

The picture of the rare will be at the bottom

So yeah, Rare freedom Glove, non member

If you have one to spare, plz send me one!
It would mean soo much!

Photo courtesy goes to the one and only Snowyclaw

Monday, July 1, 2013

Late Pure Breeding

Erm so i am very sorry for being late today

And aslo sorry for this short post

I have to do my daily round of pure breeding

Also check my hatchery for pures for sale at 1-2 credits

Buh bai!